Ever wondered what your environment looks like through an attacker's eyes?
What is a Cyber Security Assessment?
A CSA provides a detailed risk map by simulating an attacker's movements within your network. By adopting the tactics and techniques of advanced adversaries, we reveal how they might navigate your defenses and pinpoint where you're most vulnerable. The goal? To transform these insights into practical, actionable strategies and help you bridge security gaps where it truly counts.
Quickly and easily set up with a secure beacon on select endpoints, requiring no wide-scale deployment or post-assessment uninstallation, our CSA runs quietly in the background, ensuring no disruption to your operations.
Regardless if its Protective Monitoring or Incident Response you require, ThreatLight can deliver an Industry leading service without any data ever leaving your network.

CSA vs. Traditional Vulnerability Assessment: Why CSA?
Traditional vulnerability assessments, often automated and generic, are outdated and inefficient, potentially wasting precious resources on low risk issues. Unlike these assessments, a CSA focuses on the crucial gaps that could actually be exploited in a real attack, offering:

Targeted Insights: Focuses only on significant risks without getting lost in the noise.
Strategic Prioritization: Guides your security team to concentrate on areas that improve your defenses most effectively.
Get ahead of an incident and let our team help your team with guidance and real actionable advice to close security gaps.